City council may oppose moth spraying

Oakland, CA

The council's Public Safety Committee voted unanimously Tuesday night to push the resolution through to the city council, according to City Clerk LaTonda Simmons.

Councilwoman Jane Brunner, who helped draft the resolution, said today there is no real study about the consequences of long-term spraying and there is concern about possible health effects.

The Berkeley City Council Tuesday night also decided to oppose the spraying and, in January, the Albany City Council passed a similar resolution opposing the spraying.

Following the spraying of a synthetic pheromone in September, October and November in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties to combat the moth, a coalition of environmental groups released a report naming 648 cases of negative health effects that may have stemmed from the pesticide spraying, according to the Pesticide Watch Education Fund.

The light brown apple moth feeds on more than 250 agriculture crops and more than 2,000 different types of plants and trees, including cypress, redwoods and oaks, according to the California Department of Agriculture.

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