Fun family events

Local family events:

Eventful allows moms and dads to (1) search for family-friendly events and (2) post and upload info on events. Moms can create their own profiles and interact with other moms in a social networking format. People can connect with like-minded users as well (moms interested in connecting with other moms who take their kids to ballet, karate). SF parents have thousands of events to choose from, and event sharing/discovery service. Eventful connects moms, helps them find relevant events and also allows them to POST events (i.e. I can post an event about my Sunset District Mom's Book Club that meets every Tuesday). Jordan Glazier, CEO of, is the proud father of fraternal twins (two-year olds, Chase and Sage).

About Jordan Glazier
Mr. Glazier is the President & CEO of Eventful, the leader in discovering and promoting local events. Eventful's community of users find the most comprehensive selection of events in local markets throughout the world. Eventful's innovative Demand service has created "user-generated touring" by enabling fans and performers to create grass-roots campaigns to "Demand" live events in local markets, thus changing the way entertainers, politicians and others schedule their appearances.

Prior to Eventful, Mr. Glazier was Chief Operating Officer of Client Shop, which was ranked as the fastest growing privately-held company in San Diego in 2006, by the San Diego Business Journal.

Previously, Mr. Glazier was a general manager in eBay, Inc.'s North American operations. Mr. Glazier built and managed three of eBay's largest business units including consumer electronics, computers and business-to-business. Mr. Glazier grew each business unit to over $1 billion in annual gross merchandise volume.

Mr. Glazier graduated Magna cum Laude from the University of Michigan where he received a bachelor's degree in International Relations, and he earned a master's degree from J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, with an emphasis in Marketing, Finance and International Business. In addition, Mr. Glazier attended the London School of Economics with a concentration in International Studies.

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