7OYS helps woman get refund from alumni directory company


Have you ever been offered one of those alumni directories? They list your old classmates and sometimes a short paragraph of what they're up to. It's all fun reading, until you don't receive one.

Danville resident Cathy Gredell looked through her high school year book with her two teenagers, Matthew and Marie. She found a photo of herself when she was a Bellflower Buccaneer in 1979. Now fast forward to October of 2012. That's when she received a letter offering her an alumni directory.

It came from the Alumni Directory Office in Holiday Florida and for about $60 she could catch up with all her old classmates. So, she sent in the money and waited.

"They sent out a correspondent saying they were expecting the directory to be sent out in February 2013 and then they sent out another letter saying they had some problems with their publisher and the expected date was going to be more like June of 2013 and by the end of 2013 I called the company because I still hadn't received anything," Gredell said.

Gredell's patience was running out, so she contacted her school's alumni director.

"The gentleman from the high school, the coordinator referenced something about hundreds of emails and phone calls he has received," Gredell said.

She contacted 7 On Your Side and we went to work. There was a lot of silence, but eventually action.

"Shortly after that I got a phone call from Alumni Research Incorporated in Florida and they said they would have a refund check to me in the mail within two weeks," Gredell said.

Sure enough, the company sent her the check as they promised.

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