UC Berkeley students continue protest over tuition hikes

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Friday, November 21, 2014
students sitting in school hall
UC Berkeley students say they are refusing to leave Wheeler Hall until UC Regents revoke the tuition increase.

BERKELEY, Calif. (KGO) -- Dozens of UC Berkeley students continued their takeover of Wheeler Hall in protest of the recent tuition hikes for the University of California.

The students commandeered the lobby of the building Wednesday night to protest a tuition increase at all University of California schools.

They say they'll stay there until the UC Regents revoke the increased fees, and show more transparency in their budget.

"Their job is to support this system that we are a major part of, and if they are working that strongly against us, then they are acting not in the interest of the students, hopefully they are going to reconsider," UC Berkeley student Jordan French said.

The student protesters are also asking for the release of a 21-year-old student arrested for vandalism.

Graffiti against UC President Janet Napolitano appeared spray painted on wheeler hall.

So far, the university has not shown any inclination to remove the students forcefully.