Parts of CA return to drought levels for 1st time this year: Here's a look at recent data

July marks the end of a nine-month drought-free period
Sunday, July 14, 2024
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- For the first time this year, parts of California returned to drought levels.

Northern parts of the state are dry, and a portion of one county, Siskiyou County, reached the "moderate drought" level.

July marks the end of a nine-month drought-free period.

The U.S. drought monitor has shown trends in this direction.

MORE: No widespread drought is expected in California for the next 2 years, forecasters say
No widespread drought is expected in California for the next 2 years, forecasters say

Three months ago, 97% of the state was at normal levels.

Recently, nearly 6% of the state moved into abnormally dry.

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Within days, we saw a sizable jump amid summer heat waves.

Now, about 19% of the state is in dry conditions with nearly 1% in drought.

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