The game show's "1k A Day Summer Giveaway" will span from July 13 through August 14. Throughout the five-week period, the show will give away a total of $50,000.
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How to enter the giveaway:
Tune in to "Wheel of Fortune" each weeknight and take note of the bonus round puzzle solution. Then, enter the solution at Wheel of Fortune's website.
There is no limit to how many nights fans can enter and winners will be chosen at random. For more terms of the giveaway, see the Official Rules.
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Due to a halt in production because of the coronavirus, "Wheel of Fortune" will be airing a mix of reruns and new episodes throughout the summer.
Watch "Wheel of Fortune" weeknights at 7:30 p.m. ET/PT | 6:30 p.m. CT on ABC.