Unusual cloud formation in Montgomery resembles glowing angel in the sky

Travis Herzog Image
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Unusual cloud formation resembles glowing angel in the sky
Unusual cloud formation resembles glowing angel in the sky

MONTGOMERY, Texas -- "Wow, that's a big angel in the sky!"

That was Eyewitness News viewer Danny Ferraro's first impression when he turned on to a Texas highway and looked up Monday evening.

A group of clouds resembling an angel covered the sun, sending glowing rays all around it.

RELATED: Study examines migration patterns of clouds

Known as crepuscular rays, these beams of light are more commonly called "angel rays" or "God rays," and Ferraro said it had a deeper meaning for him.

"I just felt like God was saying, 'I'm always with you.' I don't know how many people saw it as there were many on the road, but I'm sure it meant something special to everyone who did."

Ferraro added that the cloud formation lasted for just a few moments, and he was in the right spot at exactly the right time to capture it on camera.

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