Supervisors explore to limit sugar drinks


The meetings or events would only serve beverages on an approved list that includes: water with no additives, juice with no added sugar, dairy milk (nonfat, 1 percent or 2 percent), unflavored plant-derived milk such as rice or soy, artificially sweetened, calorie-reduced beverages that do not exceed 50 calories per 12 ounce serving, and other non-caloric beverages such as coffee, tea or diet sodas.

Educational messages and promotional material for the "Be Sugar Savvy/Re-Think Your Drink" initiative would be provided to county facilities and departments.

The initiative, developed by the Bay Area Nutrition and Physical Activity Collaborative aims to teach residents about the negative impact on health due to sugar-laden drinks, according to the county.

In another fluid recommendation, supervisors agreed the county should continue the use of multi-serve bottled water in county facilities.

Several water pitchers could be seen on the dais in front of supervisors and staff this week as evidence of the county's commitment to move away from standard use of single-serving bottled water for environmental and cost purposes.

County cafeteria operators and vending machines will still be allowed to sell the single serving bottled water.

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