Odette Pollar, the founder of Smart Ways to Work, shares some sound advice for how to stop putting things off until tomorrow
What not to do if you're living with a procrastinator:
1) Don't nag.
2) Don't use guilt or heckle.
3) Don't take it personally.
Tips for helping a procrastinator:
1) Set a date with a consequence.
2) Break into smaller steps.
3) Be decisive. Don't do it yourself.
4) Seperate behavior from person.
About Odette Pollar:
Odette Pollar is a nationally acclaimed business author, speaker, trainer, syndicated columnist and consultant who helps companies work smarter. Whether in print, on stage or on-site, Odette enhances performance, improves office management and streamlines day-to-day systems and operations.
Her nationally syndicated newspaper column, Smart Ways to Work, dispenses weekly wisdom and strategies for workplace success. A compilation of her most popular tips will be available in book form shortly.
For more information or to contact Odette Pollar
Smart Ways to Work
1441 Franklin Street, Suite 301
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 763-8482