Teeth whitening solutions for a sparkling smile

Advice from Dr. Marc Geissberger:
When considering your teeth-whitening options, you should consider:

  • Concentration of the bleach
  • The delivery system (Does the bleach stay in contact with the teeth?)
  • Time bleach stays in contact with teeth

    Clinics mentioned in this segment:

    UOP Dental School
    The Smile Clinic at University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry offers teeth whitening services that cost approximately 40 percent less than the average Bay Area dental office.

    University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
    Main Clinic/Smile Clinic - C Level
    2155 Webster St. (at Sacramento)
    San Francisco, CA 94115
    Call 415-929-6561 for an appointment

    Marc Geissberger, DDS, MA
    Chair, Department of Restorative Dentistry
    Private practice location:
    1341 S. Eliseo Drive
    Greenbrae, CA 94904

    Daniel C. Gehani DDS, MS
    (510) 896-9600

    BriteSmile has 3 locations in the Bay Area:

    Palo Alto Professional Teeth Whitening Spa
    Address: 167 Hamilton Ave
    Palo Alto, CA 94301
    Phone: (650)324-2829
    Customer Service: 1-800-542-4802
    Email: paloalto@britesmile.com

    Union Square Professional Teeth Whitening Spa
    Address: 174 Geary St. on Union Square
    San Francisco, CA 94108
    Phone: (415) 834-9835
    Customer Service: 1-800-542-4802
    Email: unionsquare@britesmile.com

    Walnut Creek Professional Teeth Whitening Spa
    Address: 1333 N. California Blvd. Suite SL-30
    Walnut Creek, CA 94596
    Phone: (925) 944-6030
    Customer Service: 1-800-542-4802
    Email: walnutcreek@britesmile.com

    BriteSmile is currently running a promotional price of $399 (a $200 discount on the original price). To schedule an appointment or consultation, visit: www.britesmile.com.

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