Recent wildfires have ravaged neighborhoods statewide, but some of the destruction could have been avoided by employing some creative, colorful landscape solutions. Egbert says there are ways to create defensible space, in any size garden, big or small. Fire clearance doesn't have to mean ugly bare dirt. By using perennials, roses, outdoor living spaces, and edible landscaping you can create a Lean, Clean, and Green Zone of defensible space around your home.
Fire safe plants
- Diascia hybrids, Twinspur
- Salvia, Mexican Sage
- Achillea,Yarrow
Tools provided by Fiskars
- Power Gear Loper
- Pruning Stik
Plants and available at garden centers. Tools available at garden and home centers or from
For more fire safe garden information, visit The Coastal Gardener (TV series) Web site at
For information on the Big Sur Volunteer Fire Brigade, visit