The cameras will monitor the intersections of B and Second streets, and West Winton Avenue and Hesperian Boulevard. Motorists will have a 30-day grace period and the Police Department will not start issuing citations until Aug. 29.
"We hope in Hayward this system will reduce the number of traffic collisions and enhance safety for the public," Lt. Sheryl Boykins said in a statement. "It is important to us that all Hayward drivers know we're using photo enforcement and that they have time to learn about this new safety program."
The red light photo-enforcement program captures still photographs and video of each vehicle that runs a red light as well as a picture of the vehicle's license plate and driver.
Police review each image before the notice of violation is sent out to the registered owner of the vehicle. Following the grace period, violators will face a $381 fine.
The photo-enforcement program began in June and is operating at one other city intersection, Industrial Parkway West and Huntwood Avenue.