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Thursday, July 31, 2008
- Pastry Chef Bill Corbett, Michael Mina
Topic: Cereal ice cream
- Actor Kevin Costner
Topic: New film: "Swing Vote"
- Holly Hayes, San Jose Mercury News gardening expert
Topic: Upside down tomatoes
- House Doctor Lisa Quinn
Topic: Design therapy
- Dominique Dawes, Olympic Gold Medal Winner and Reporter for Yahoo! Sports
Topic: Girls and sports
- Diana Chang Fong, Easy 'n Healthy Cooking
Topic: Shrimp and sugar pea pods
- Robin Roberts of "Good Morning America"
Topic: Interview with GMA's Robin Roberts
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
- Brendan Brazier, Triathlete and Author of "The Thrive Diet"
Topic: Chocolate blueberry energy bars
- Leigh Glaser
Topic: Earthquake kits
- Julia Myall, Creator of "Cook it in a Cup"
Topic: Kid recipes: Mini-lasagnas and tiny fruit tarts
- Eza Americo de Souza, Personal Assistant & Business Owner
Topic: Life management tips
- Lorrie Sullenberger, Fitness Expert
Topic: Waterfall hikes
- Dianne Gubin, Career Expert
Topic: Cost-cutting tips
- Audrey Mansfield
Topic: Everything you need to know about wigs
- Pastry Chef Annie Baker
Topic: Chocolate chip cookie pie
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
- Alison Eastwood, Dietician
Topic: Grocery cart makeover
- Michelle Joyce, Professional Belly Dancer
Topic: Belly dance workout
- Dr. Carole Hong and Dr. Kristina Stasko, Family Vision
Topic: Free infant eye exams
- Chef Don Dial, Rocco's
Topic: Recipe: Chicken cacciatore and polenta
- Shannon Eis, Leapfrog Consultant
Topic: Transitioning back to school
- Jane Porter, Author of "Flirting With Forty" and "Odd Mom Out"
Topic: Great reads for moms
- Adryenn Ashley, Author of "Every Single Girl's Guide to her Future Husband's Last Divorce"
Topic: Financial infidelity
Monday, July 28, 2008
- Julie McCarthy, Doctor of Physcial Therapy and Fitness Expert
Topic: Ab exercises
- Exec. Chef Robert Sapirman, Parcel 104
Topic: Farmers market dishes and cocktails
- House Doctor Lisa Quinn and Lisa Katayama, Author of "Urawaza-Secret Everyday Tips And Tricks From Japan"
Topic: Tricks to solving everyday mishaps
- Colin the Cheesemonger from Bar Bambino
Topic: America's favorite cheese
- Michael Finney
Topic: Consumer questions
- Olympian Heather Petri of Orinda
Topic: Beijing Olympics
- Chef Alessandro Cartumini, Four Seasons Hotel Silicon Valley
Topic: Italian grilling
- Dr. Melina B. Jampolis, Nutritionist and Author of "?The No Time to Lose Diet?"
Topic: Low density diet
Friday, July 25, 2008
- Janelle Wang
Topic: The 5 Browns: Five siblings, five pianos
- Laura Lowell, author of 42 Rules for Working Moms
Topic: 42 Rules for Working Moms
- Harry Josh, celebrity hairstylist
Topic: Next season's hottest hairstyle
- Audrey Mansfield
Topic: Top five fashion must-haves
- Michelle Potter, owner of Kidspot Imagination Center
Topic: Summer learning activities for the kids
- Julie Matthews, certified nutrition consultant and author of Nourishing Hope
Topic: Flavored bottled water
- Michael Finney and Katie Romans from PG&E
Topic: Reducing your energy bill
- Craig Vercruysse & Alison Bailey Vercruysse, founders of "18 Rabbits"
Topic: Recipe: Plum frangipane tart
Thursday, July 24, 2008
- Nancy Longo
Topic: Tour of Berkeley's Gourmet Ghetto
- Chef Eduardo Balaguer, Venga Paella Catering
Topic: Spanish Paella
- Nick Smith
Topic: Urban wine tour
- Amy Nichols, Bay Area wedding planner
Topic: Bridal registry trends and tips for every couple
- Susan Urquhart-Brown, author of "The Accidental Entrepreneur"
Fight the fear of opening your own business
- Brittany and Brianna Winner, 13 year old twins, authors of The Strand Prophecy
Topic: 13-year-old twins becoming inspiring authors
- Richard and Jeremiah Martin,
Topic: Options for getting out of debt
- Chef David Bazirgan, Chez Papa Resto
Topic: Sinful molten chocolate cake - Brittany and Brianna Winner, 13 year old twins, authors of The Strand Prophecy
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
- Audrey Mansfield
Topic: A picturesque location for your wedding
- Nick Smith
Topic: Wine tasting without driving to Napa
- Bruce Aidells
Topic: Healthy duck recipe
- Lucy Leahy, CEO of Glow Mama
Topic: Healthy mommy mocktails!
- Karen D'Souza, theater critic for the San Jose Mercury News
Topic: Girls Night Out: Mamma Mia
- Jo Ann Hattner, nutritionist and Stanford University instructor
Topic: Help your children build strong bones
- Sarah Brannen
Topic: How to explain gay marriage to your kids
- Barbara Dehn, nurse
Topic: Talking to your kids about sex
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
- Executive Chef Barry Horton, Raven's Restaurant in Mendocino
Topic: Recipe: Cherry Cobbler
- Lisa Ota, nutritionist
Topic: Food meditation
- Scott Lewis, V Wine Cellars
Topic: Food and wine pairing
- Dr. Laurie Green, OB-GYN
Topic: Advice for women with low sex drive
- Minna Yoo, The Love Bottle-
Topic: Green products under $20!
- Tanya Wenman Steel, editor
Topic: $20 family meal
- Ria Sim
Topic: Edible centerpieces from the produce aisle
Monday, July 21, 2008
- Pastry Chef Eunice Lee, Straits Restaurant
Topic: Recipe: Mangosteen Yogurt Panna Cotta
- Lisa Quinn
Topic: Decorate with terra cotta pots
- Shirley Fong-Torres, culinary tour guide
Topic: Culinary tour of SF's Chinatown
- Anjuelle Floyd, marriage and family therapist
Topic: The truth about children and secrets
Topic: Summer baseball program, Jr. Giants
- Lee Holden,Qi Gong expert
Topic: Qi Gong for weight loss
- Kerry Williams, Mom and president of Mom-Go-Go Babyz
Topic: Keeping your child safe while on-the-go
- Dr. Alan Greene
Topic: Facts about puberty
Friday, July 18, 2008
- Audrey Mansfield
Topic: Hair color treatments
- Brian Fleury, Fleury Estate Vineyards and Scott Lewis, V Wine Cellar
Topic: Blend your own wine
- Josiah Slone, Sent Sovi Restaurant in Saratoga
Topic: Delicious summer gazpacho
- Michael Finney
Topic: Consumer questions: Credit card or cash?
- John and Jean Silverwood, authors of Black Wave: A family's adventure at sea and the disaster that saved them
Topic: Family's adventure at sea
- Stu Carty, small business expert
Topic: Trends in small businesses for women
- Chef Philip DuBose, Asia de Cuba
Topic: Recipe: Tunapica with cucumber salad!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
- Mark Held, Owner of Mark's Garden
Topic: Preparing a fantasy picnic
- Jake Tyson, "The Handsome Handyman"
Topic: How to hang the perfect picture
- House Doctor Lisa Quinn
Topic: Creative organizational ideas
- Nick Smith
Topic: ABC7 Safeway Summer Food Drive in Marin
- Alexis Martin Neely, Family Financial and Legal Expert and Author of "Wear Clean Underwear! A Fast, Fun, Friendly and Essential Guide to Legal Planning"
Topic: Legal planning
- Rick Foster and Greg Hicks, Authors of "Choosing Brilliant Health: 9 Choices that redefine what it takes to create lifelong vitality and well-being"
Topic: 5 surefire ways to make yourself healthy
- Chef Mitchell Rosenthal and Chef Sarah Schafer, Anchor and Hope Restaurant
Topic: Chilled lobster rolls
- Erica Sandberg, Author of "Expecting Money: The Essential Financial Plan for New and Growing Families"
Topic: Family finances
- Stephanie Klein, Photographer, Blogger and Author of "Moose: A Memoir of Fat Camp"
Topic: Pressure to be thin
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
- Exec. Chef Nicolaus Balla, O lzakaya Lounge
Topic: Spicy chicken wings
- Karl Wente, Winemaker and Chef Arthur Wall, Wente Vineyards
Topic: Food and wine pairings
- Leigh Glaser
Topic: Arm exercises
- Audrey Mansfield and Y'Anad Burrell, "Fashion On The Square" Founder & Creative Director
Topic: Hot new designers
- Michelle Kaplan, Co-Founder of
Topic: Social networking and gaming for women
- Kim Miller, San Francisco Editor of
Topic: Best new Bay Area eats
- Exec. Chef Gerardo Wence and Tony Dudum, Owner of 1515 Restaurant
Topic: Halibut with corn and avocado salsa
- Jessica Ashley, Yahoo! Shine Healthy Living Editor
Topic: Obsessions with healthy eating
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
- Chef Robert Fair, "The Guys Guide" and former "Bachelorette" contestant
Topic: Lemon crab cocktail
- Ken & Janice Wong, IceBee Yogurt
Topic: Fun yogurt decorating
- Sommelier Barbara Paige and John Caldwell, Caldwell Winery
Topic: Sensory wine tasting
- Molly Wood, Executive Editor
Topic: Tech wedding gifts
- Katherine Gerwig, Vice President of Environmental Stewardship for Kaiser Permanente
Topic: Connection between health and environment
- Susan McHan, Financial Advisor, President and CEO of OPES Advisors
Topic: Easy retirement
- Bob Hammer, Cancer Survivor and Founder of "Have a Ball" Golf Tournament
Topic: Coping with testicular cancer
- Corp. Chef Tony Flier and Greg St. Claire, Owner of Avenir Restaurant Group
Topic: Carnitas with sweet corn and avocado salsa
Monday, July 14, 2008
- Chef Hiro Sone, Owner of Terra and Ame
Topic: Watermelon and shrimp salad
- Lindsay Davenport, Tennis Champion
Topic: Bank of the West Tennis Classic
- Janelle Wang
Topic: Girls' night out
- DeAnna Lorraine, Dating and Life Coach
Topic: Your man and his car
- Jennifer Carden, Author of "The Toddler Cafe"
Topic: Toddler treats
- Michael Finney
Topic: Consumer questions: Credit scores, merging finances and assisted livving insurance
- Lorrie Sullenberger, Fitness Expert
Topic: 15-minute workout
- Megan Krizmanich and Colin Clemens, Stars of "American Teen" Documentary
Topic: High school life
Friday, July 11, 2008
- Susie Coelho, author of "Style Your Dream Wedding"
Topic: Bridal party dresses
- Dan Gordon, Gorden Biersch
Topic: Gordon Biersch BBQ ribs
- Audrey and Erica Mansfield
Topic: Behind the scenes of 'A Chorus Line'!
- Sophie Epstein, Teen Blogger
Topic: Teen blogger gets your kids reading
- Trish Robbins, Executive Producer at KGO Radio
Topic: Finding Mr. Right
- Michael Finney with guest Krista Canfield from Linkedln
Topic: Tips for women re-entering the workforce.
- Chef Shotaro "Sho" Kamio, Yoshi San Francisco
Topic: Vegetable tempura
Thursday, July 10, 2008
- Chef Chad Newton, Baraka Restaurant
Topic: Summer corn soup
- Lisa Quinn
Topic: Grow your own herb garden
- Jerry Regester, InterContinental: The Clement Monterey
Topic: Healthy-style mac & cheese
- Joey Altman, Bay Cafe
Topic: Healthy salads for kids
- Darcy Novo Albrecht, Lullaby Exercises DVD
Topic: Lullaby exercises
- Nurse Practitioner Barb Dehn, "Barb's Daily Dose" Blog
Topic: Sex or sleep?
- Shelly Rivoli, Author of "Travels with Baby" and Nurse Rona Renner, Childhood Matters
Topic: Easing travel with babies
- Susan Safipour, Editor of Diablo Magazine
Topic: East Bay hot spots
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
- Executive Chef Bob Cina and Gina Milano, Co-Owner of Le Club
Topic: Asparagus salad
- Annette Cardwell, Yahoo! Real Estate Expert
Topic: Reducing your energy bill
- Bruce Aidells
Topic: Farmers market meal
- Colette Lafia, author of "Comfort and Joy: Simple Ways to Care for Ourselves and Others"
Topic: Relieving stress
- Frank Palmer, chef at McCovey's Restaurant
Topic: Ribs and brisket
- Alison Armstrong, author of "The Amazing Development of Men: Everyman's Journey from Knight King"
Topic: Understanding your man
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
- Pastry Chef Alan Carter, Mission Beach Café
Topic: Rum chocolate cake
- Janelle Wang
Topic: Green getaways
- Pamela Crown, Athletic Endurance and Anita Diaz, Runner
Topic: Running for fitness
- Richard Dudum, Author of "What Your Mother Never Told You"
Topic: Teenage survival guide
- Angie Rando, Owner of Angelina's Catering and Angie's Café
Topic: Perfect picnics
- Suzan Bateson, Executive Director of Alameda County Community Food Bank
Topic: ABC7 Safeway Food Drive
- Beth Wilson, Host of "Quantum Leaps" Internet Radio Talk Show and Author of "Creating Balance in Your Child's Life"
Topic: Stress-free kids
Monday, July 7, 2008
- Jennifer Spiegel, Fork & Spoon Productions
Topic: Tabletop seascapes
- House Doctor Lisa Quinn and Jess Chamberlain, Sunset Home Writer
Topic: Inside Sunset's Idea House
- Bruce Weinstein, Author of "The Ultimate Ice Cream Book"
Topic: Ice cream delights
- Louisiana Sue, Zydeco Event Coordinator for Just Dance Ballroom
Topic: Marvelous muffulettas
- Janelle Wang
Topic: Green getaways
- Nancy Joyce, Marriage & Family Therapist
Topic: Disciplining your children
- H. Joseph Ehrmann, Mixologist and Owner of Elixir
Topic: Organic summer mocktails
Thursday, July 3, 2008
- Audrey Mansfield
Topic: Personalized custom perfumes
- Chef Lorenzo Kersavan, 21st Amendment Brewery
Topic: Grilling with beer
- Chef Bruce Aidells
Topic: Spreadable tuna mousse
- Leigh Glaser
Topic: Drought and deer resistant plants
- Susann Almasi, Top Scholar
Topic: Top Scholars
- Lisa Bilgen and Dr. John LoRe, Peace Parenting Project
Topic: Power struggles with your child
- Susan Kim, West Coast Editor of Coastal Living Magazine
Topic: Seafood dining
- Chef David Lawrence, 1300 Fillmore
Topic: Comfort food: Collard greens with ham hocks
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
- Audrey Mansfield
Topic: Swimsuits for real women
- Elham Shahmohammadi, Culinary Coordinator for Sur La Table
Topic: Grilled sandwiches
- Dave Egbert, "The Coastal Gardener"
Topic: Fire safe plants and flowers
- Lorrie Sullenberger, Fitness Expert
Topic: Waterfall hikes
- House Doctor Lisa Quinn and "The Handsome Handyman"
Topic: Handyman tips for women
- Betty Louise and Leslie Ameel, "Women on Air" Internet Radio Show
Topic: Redesign your life
- Ellamarie Fortenbach, Author of "Cooking with Ellamarie, Celebrities, and Kids"
Topic: Cooking with kids
- Chef Bret Thompson, MILK
Topic: Summer malts
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
- Alex Goldfayn, "The Technology Tailor"
Topic: Digital family memories
- Leigh Glaser
Topic: Aesop's Playhouse at Children's Fairyland
- Linda Murray, Editor in Chief of Baby Center
Topic: Mommy guilty trips
- Exec. Chef Bernd Liebergesell, Westin St. Francis
Topic: Girls' night out for $15!
- Lauren Fix, "The Car Coach"
Topic: Gas saving tips
- Karen Dawn, Author of "Thanking the Monkey"
Topic: Animal cruelty-free products
- Exec. Chef Eddie Bernal, Morton's Steakhouse
Topic: A twist on the all American burger
- Janelle Wang