Hit-and-run vehicle owner arrested


This case was so outrageous, that a number of people got involved to catch the suspect. The two women were in the crosswalk at the intersection of Stevens Creek Boulevard at Cypress Avenue when they were hit.

On Saturday night, a witness followed the hit and run driver and took down the licence number. When the transient suspect showed up at a local library, police finally got the call they needed.

A sign in the lobby of the Garden Senior citizens Apartments in San Jose let's everyone know they lost a friend over the weekend.

"Beautiful lady, never bothered nobody. Always had a smile on her face," says neighbor Ed Rudner.

The family of 70-year-old Enedina Oliva was at her home, today. They are still hurting.

"To have something like this happen to someone as vibrant and beautiful as and loving, well it shouldn't happen to anybody, but it shouldn't have happened to my sister in law," Apolonia Oliva.

Police arrested 66-year-old Cecil Wayne Cox for manslaughter and hit and run. Investigators say he hit Oliva and 75-year-old Oralia Ramirez with an Infiniti sedan while the two were crossing Stevens Creek Boulevard at Cypress Avenue on Saturday Night.

Witnesses say one victim fell to the ground. The other was trapped on the hood for about 400 feet.

"He pushed her forward in front of the vehicle and then struck the victim a second time and then continued to flee west on Stevens Creek Boulevard," says Sgt. Kurt Clarke.

Cox was arrested Monday morning at the Santa Clara Central Library. The city librarian heard about the accident, recognized the suspect and car description and called police.

"Very quiet, police basically approached the suspect, escorted him from the library building and took him away in a police car," says librarian Karen Saunders.

Surveillance video from A Slice of New York restaurant shows Stevens Creek Boulevard around 8:25 Saturday night, and within seconds, there was a sudden back up of cars.

Then, witnesses reacted.

"Just a guy walking his dog coming in, identifying that something has happened and for someone in the store to call 911 because there was an accident," says Kirk Vartan, Slice of New York.

It was an accident that took the lives of two people and left questions unanswered.

"I don't even hit an animal and walk away. How can you hit two people and walk away? How can you live with yourself?" says Apolonia Oliva.

Cox could still face more serious charges. Investigators say based on witness accounts, it's possible the District Attorney could decide to charge him with homicide.

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