Style your kids on a budget

Nina's advice for keeping your kids chic on a budget:

When kids go back to school and see the latest trends their friends are wearing, they will want to wear those too. Moms inevitably find themselves back in the stores buying even more items. So the trick is to only buy 1-2 outfits before school starts, and then do the rest of the shopping afterwards.

Hot, New Trend: Online sample sales for kids. You can get designer kids items at bargain prices. Get the stuff that Brad and Angelina buy for their kids, but at a fraction of the cost. These online sample sales happen on specific days and times. To see an example of an online sample sale, go to

Most retailers will mark down clothes after the back-to-school rush has died down - mid to late September is a great time to shop and find deals

Many stores get new merchandise every six weeks, so you can find sales on older inventory

Use eBbay. You can sell your child's old clothes and put the money towards new clothes.

Get together with other Moms for a clothes swap

Give older children an allowance to spend on what they want. Anything above that should be paid for by money earned from chores, babysitting etc.

When shopping at online retail stores use coupon codes and promotional codes that you can find by checking coupon websites

Use all of this as an opportunity to teach your child about budgeting. Even young children can come to understand the concept of money

Kids' Clothing Tips:

  • Buy pants and skirts with adjustable waistbands
  • Buy pants long, hem them, and let out as they grow
  • Girls dresses - Buy some sleeveless dresses that are long, that way, when they grow, sleeves won't be an issue and you can lengthen as needed

For more information on Nina Sutton and her book, "The Chic Mom's Guide to Feeling Fabulous," visit her blog at

Buy the book on Amazon: The Chic Mom's Guide

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