At the very least, they want help for victims and protection for taxpayers.
The Peace and Justice Center put a demonstration in Palo Alto together, calling for a freeze on foreclosures, help with refinancing for home buyers, and an extension of unemployment and food stamp benefits.
"I think we should do something to protect the economy, but I don't think Congress has done a very good job protecting the taxpayer," said Kurt Milne from Palo Alto.
"You can have a situation where a company that you don't do business with directly can actually affect your bank and can actually affect your brokerage account. That's what Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson have been arguing," said Winans International Investment Manager Ken Winans.
A lot of those who came out for the demonstrations are obviously upset with the bailout plan.
They see it as corporate welfare, giving money to executives who have already bilked the American people out of billions of dollars in the mortgage financing debacle.