Battle over Proposition 8 intensifies


A Massachusetts couple is starring in a new Proposition 8 ad that taps into the fears of some Californians. They sued the state of Massachusetts and lost.

"We want every Californian to know it will happen. Gay marriage will be taught to the youngest of children," said Massachusetts father Robb Wirthlin.

There is nothing in California's education code that mandates schools teach anything about marriage. But the yes on 8 campaign is taking their message on the road, with a bus tour that brings them to the Bay Area on Tuesday.

The no on 8 campaign is firing back with its own ad, accusing critics of using scare tactics. A new anti-Proposition 8 ad also challenges the claim that churches could lose their tax exempt status.

On Monday in San Francisco, religious leaders from several faiths expressed strong support for same-sex marriages.

"God is on the side of liberation. God is on the side of the inalienable rights of all people," said Rev. Yvette Flunder from the City of Refugee United Church of Christ.

As the political back and forth heats up, same-sex couples are ramping up their rush to the altar.

"It defintely played a role in us getting married before the election," said Kate Meiss.

Meiss and Beth Steckler have been together 24 years. Shea Chester and Ken Decamp came all the way from Texas.

"We came to get married before the election," said Decamp.

To meet the demand, City Hall will issue licenses and perform weddings until 6 p.m. Tuesday thru Thursday for the next two weeks.

Related links:

  • Yes on 8
  • No on Prop 8

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