Click here for text results from Alameda County
There are an estimated 806,000 registered voters in Alameda County. The county wants to reach out to those voters through their cell phones.
You get all sorts of news from friends and family members through text messages.
"I do it everyday, I use it for business and for personal," said Tai Dunson, Emeryville.
So why not find out how your vote added up in the local election in a text message from your county?
"We're trying it as a pilot project we just picked a few races that might be of interest and on election night we'll text anyone who signs up the results to their phone," said Dave Macdonald, Alameda County Registrar.
Alameda County election officials plan to send updates throughout the night -- anytime they release results- they'll also send out a text.
"That would be great; I think that would be a great idea. It's going to get to a lot of young people. It will be really good because I don't anybody who doesn't text. It's a good idea," said David Plump, Hayward.
"I think it's a cool idea. We don't have TVs at work and we can't see who's going to win so I think it's a good thing," said Yolanda Richards, Oakland.
No other Bay Area counties are doing this. They may even be the only county in the state to try this. As if entering the text world wasn't hip enough -- Alameda County is also trying to connect in the social world; check out the county's MySpace and Facebook pages.
We're really trying to attract a younger generation because we need them down the road to not only be voters but also be poll workers," said Macdonald.