Outdoor gear for kids

Trends in outdoor clothing and gear for kids

Mountain Sprouts Rogue Youth Jacket featuring recycled polartec Fleece, scuff elbows and safety whistle zipper pull - $98

Patagonia Synchilla Jacket made of recycled polyester with a lifetime warranty - $50

Patagonia Baby Capeline Set - onesie and leggings - made of recycled and recyclable polyester - $45

Spyder Mini Conquer Jacket and Spyder Mini Trek Pant with growth inseams for both - $155 and $75

Dakine Grom Backpack to fit little bodies in skate styling with reflective tape, mesh pockets and lots of storage - $25 and Ambler Mountain Hats for kids which blend fun and function - $30-32

About Sarah Laufer:
Sarah Laufer, 34, stopped practicing law a couple of years ago to spend time with her two young children and give them the chance to explore the world together - to enjoy firsthand the sun, the grass, the mountains, the water and the air. Inspired by the outdoor lifestyle of her hometown in Bend, Oregon, Sarah launched Play Outdoors (www.playoutdoors.com) in 2008.

Play Outdoors is a resource to help everyday families get outside every day-whether it's a ten minute romp in a local city park or a multi-day camping trip in the backwoods. "There's so much pressure on parents to create the 'perfect' childhood experience," comments Sarah. "But there's no substitute for fresh air and fun, and all it takes is a few minutes a day." Play Outdoors' e-commerce site offers high-quality outdoor apparel, gear and accessories for children ages 0-12.

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