Cars travelling Highway 35 near the Saratoga Gap are navigating clear roadways today although black ice was the biggest danger with the below-freezing temperatures during the overnight hours. But the snowy roads didn't keep outdoor enthusiasts away.
"It totally juices me up-to be able to ride in the snow is awesome, especially around here you know, we always get such diverse weather in California, and it's just fun to able to do this kind of thing," said Jim Cargill, Saratoga.
Jim Cargill cycled up Highway-9 from Saratoga. He's on a 42-mile ride-- his way of celebrating his birthday. A mile for every year, he says he has no fear of the cold. And neither did another snow-lover, who came one-to-one with an icy twig during his morning hike.
"I nicked it, and I thought I had a runny nose at first. And it was like dripping, and I noticed it on my hand and it was red and I was like uh-oh - still kept going - I knew it wasn't life-threatening," said Francois Clement, Sunnyvale.
Francois Clement of Sunnyvale says he wanted to take advantage of the snow before it all melts and his passion for picture-taking encouraged his venture into the mountains today.
"Well, you have your typical you know - snow on the leaves, whether it's a pine or whatever, backlighting makes some beautiful shots and just, I like being outside so - crunching snow under the feet," said Francois Clement, Sunnyvale.
The snow has been melting, but there is still enough to enjoy out here.
Bay Area severe weather resources
Watch raw video from SKY7-HD of snow on mountains near Livermore and Mt. Hamilton.