Recycle holiday cooking oil into biofuel


Residents will be able to bring the used oil to three Whole Foods Market locations in San Francisco -- California and Franklin streets, Rhode Island Street in Potrero Hill, and Fourth Street in the South of Market district -- as well as the Costco warehouse at 10th and Bryant streets. The program is open during business hours today through Tuesday.

The SFGreasecycle program, run by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, is an attempt by the city to reduce the amount of oil and grease delivered to the sewer system. The collected grease is then turned into biodiesel for use in city vehicles.

The program has already signed up about 20 percent of the city's restaurants with a free used oil pickup program, and is hoping to involve residents with regular drop-off events, according to the public utilities commission.

Public utilities commission officials estimate used cooking oil dumped in sewers costs the city about $3.5 million each year to clean up.

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