Schwarzenegger, Brown support Prop 1A


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The governor is promoting the propositions, created to treat the state's dysfunctional budget. He joined Attorney General Jerry Brown when Brown made his endorsement at an Alameda fire station Tuesday.

"With this rainy day fund and spending limit, it will create some predictability and some balance over time, that's a big plus," Brown said.

Proposition 1A would divert money to a reserve or so called "rainy day" fund for good years and through a complicated formula it could be used in bad years, it will also extend a $16 billion temporary tax increase, things like sales, income and vehicle through 2013.

Supporters say Prop 1A would bring predictability to the state budget, providing money for education, public safety, healthcare and transportation.

"We need those revenues, if those props pass we need those revenues to solve our budget problem and we can bring stability to our budget system in general, in the future," Gov. Arnold Schwazenegger said.

"This is not perfect by the way," Brown said.

Opponents agree the proposition needs improvement. The California Federation of Teachers charges it is flawed.

"It's very complicated, it isn't going to smooth out the budget propositions we've had in the past," Berkeley Federation of Teachers member Cathy Campbell said. said.

She is concerned that there are not any checks and balances.

"It gives the governor very significant powers and our two-thirds super majority, all of those combined have a very small number of legislators making very big decisions," Campbell said.

A recent public policy institute poll indicates declining support for prop 1A, but voters will ultimately have their say at the polls.

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