1-Consistencey: set a time each day or night, Dads - maybe it's right before bed and make that your own personal "library time" with your kid. Always let your children choose the book, it also helps to assign them to be the "page turner!"
2-Make it fun: you know how bad Bay Area traffic is! Take advantage of it and play a reading game in the car! Here's a cool one we found: each person takes a turn reading as many words as he can from street signs, billboards, store names, etc. The player reads the words out loud as quickly as he can. It's a fun exercise and even though it's not a book, it gets kids reading.
3-Start early: it's a crucial time in a toddler's life, when they learn that they have their very own name as part of their little identity! To help toddlers learn to recognize and spell their names, it helps to see it in as many settings as possible, from cubbies at preschool to t-shirts and lots of writing it down on papers for them to marvel at.
Teaching toddlers 2 and up how to recognize and spell their name was the inspiration for Frecklebox's "My Name Is…" book…. here they spot their name in several different settings courtesy Mother Nature (the sky, flowers, the beach, etc.) You'll be amazed at how fast little ones recite their names after just a few months of reading this book.
4-Personalize: this is our most important tip, because we feel it goes a long way in promoting self-confidence and personalization can also instill a love for reading! This is the tip that truly inspired our line…
With our own kids, we found that both rhyming and personalization really kept them engaged - now there's actual research to back that up! The Education Resources Information Center, an online digital library of education research, recently found that personalization of word problems in math has been used to increase student comprehension. Now they suggest that similar techniques are also be effective in reading! They suggest that the combination of personalization and rhyming keep a child more focused in the books and the act of searching for their own name, also keeps them dialed in and enhances their reading enjoyment.
Items featured in the segment:
- Saves the Planet Story Book, all story books are $19.95 soft cover, $34.95 hard cover
- Princess Coloring Book, all coloring books are $6.95
- Stickers, $3.95 for set
- Puzzles, $12.95 each
- Placemat, $9.95 each
- Growth Charts, $39.95
- Journal books, $14.95
You can purchase items and learn more by visitng
About Frecklebox:
Frecklebox is on a mission to educate and entertain. So we conceived this here web-based business to offer truly unique, personalized gifts for children at affordable prices. The site makes it quick and easy to customize each item so it prominently features the name of the child who will receive the gift. Our entertaining selection of books, posters and personalized items are designed to delight your children and friends.
About Mark Sarpa and Scott Feldman, Founders of Frecklebox:
One guy's name is Scott. The other one is Mark. Both guys dove into the baby making business over a decade ago. Even before that, in partnership, they created a printing and distribution business called Progressive Solutions. Both their kids and their company inspired Frecklebox. You see, as parents, these guys take the job of expanding their children's minds very seriously. And as business people, they've been on a relentless mission to explore the possibilities of web-based digital printing. Presto. Frecklebox was born. Hopefully, a great big Frecklehead family will follow. They grew frustrated when they realized that there weren't any affordable customized learning books on the market and decided to take matters into their own hands by creating and designing truly unique and entertaining books for toddlers to tweens. Best of all, these keepsakes won't break the bank! The "My Name is...." book is a top seller! In each colorful book, a child's name appears in several settings: from flowers in the soil to leaves on the ground and more - it's a wonderful tool to teach your toddler to spell his/her name! This book is also available in Spanish now. Other books include "... Goes to the Zoo," this cool book takes kids through the zoo and at each exhibit, the animals challenge children to find their name camouflaged in the setting.