Real moms reveal secrets of motherhood

About Romi Lassally:
Romi Lassally is the mother of Owen (8) and his sisters, Phoebe (18) and Annabel (11). Romi's parental foibles led to the creation of the original site, and its corresponding book, "True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real."

Like her fellow mothers on TMC, Romi has been (and struggled with the complexities of) all of the acronyms mentioned in the confessions: a SAHM (stay at home mom), a WOHM (working out of home mom), and is currently a SAHWM (you guessed it! a stay at home working mom). Also like her fellow mothers on TMC, she often thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the mommy divide, but deep down she knows it's not. So every day she tries not to beat herself up for not making it through her long "to do" list, which is much easier to do with all those "me toos" adding up! Prior to entering the online world of confessions, Romi was a founding editor for the lifestyles section of The Huffington Post and a contributing editor to several parenting magazines. Romi also spent more than a decade in traditional media working as an executive and a producer in the entertainment industry. She lives in Los Angeles with her gaggle of kids, her husband, Tom, and two dogs.

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