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This robbery took place in Oakland's Diamond District on the 2600 block of Harold Street. When /*Oakland police*/ went in to help the two men they found 400 /*marijuana*/ plants. Authorities confiscated all the pot, as well as grow lights. They also found equipment that allowed the house to use huge amounts of electricity, but not have it show up on the meter.
"When /*PG&E*/ came out they confirmed our suspicion that they had come up with a system to divert electricity so it wasn't being recorded," said Oakland Police Sgt. Brandon Wehrly.
According to /*Oakland*/ police home invasion robberies are on the rise and people are getting killed.
"There has been a rash of marijuana cultivation in general, and then associated with that, home invasion robberies with the target being the people that are growing the marijuana," said Oakland Police Ofc. Jeryme Stine.
"They also end up being homicides sometimes?" asked ABC7's Terry McSweeney.
"Yes sir, just this year alone that I can speak of, there has been at least two cases where there has been a homicide; one in West Oakland and one on this end," said Stine.
Another twist to this story is the two people inside the house were on the phone with people in San Francisco when the robbery took place; the friends in San Francisco called the SFPD who called OPD.
The robbery suspects got away with money, valuables and drugs. The two robbery victims will face charges for growing the pot as well as stealing electricity.
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