Cpl. Kevin A. Cueto was supporting combat operations in Helmand province. He is the second person from the Bay Area to be killed in Afghanistan in the past two weeks. Army specialist Nathan Cox, 27, of Fremont, died after insurgents attacked the unit he was with on June 16.
Cueto enlisted in the Marine Corps on Aug. 15, 2005, and this was his second combat deployment. He had previously served in Iraq in 2009, according to the Department of Defense.
His personal service awards include the Purple Heart, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.
Cueto was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force based at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif.