The number of complaints being reported by state regulators has now doubled in a matter of days.
As recently as 10 days ago, the CPUC told 7 On Your Side it had received just over 2,300 complaints about the SmartMeter program.
It has now issued a correction, saying there have actually been more than 4,100 complaints filed with the state.
Totals up to now have not included any complaints filed with the CPUC's consumer affairs branch.
The CPUC says those complaints revolved around rates and service and are not as relevant as those complaints it has received through other channels, however they did not explain why those complaints wouldn't be as relevant.
People have largely complained the meters are inaccurate and have lead to higher bills. The Structure Group of Texas was hired to investigate SmartMeters and is scheduled to release its findings on Thursday.
The CPUC says the investigators have been given accurate complaint totals.