Brown warns he'll veto scores of bills


It could get more expensive to attend a University of California school. UC leaders are about to ask the Board of Regents to approve more tuition hikes -- anywhere from 8 to 16 percent each year through 2016. In just four years, UC tuition could top $22,000.

"Oh, my God! I can't even imagine. It's already increased so much already, since I've been here," said Annie Luc, a UC Irvine student.

"I work when I'm not going to school and I don't really have the money to pay for it. If it goes up anymore, I don't know what I'll do," said Erin Young, UC Irvine student.

"Our government has been allocating our money in the wrong places and making us pay for it," said Taran Sondhu, a UC Irvine student.

UC officials say the increases are necessary because state funding has fallen and they'd like to grow enrollment and pay bills. Brown thinks they should cut expenses to meet their needs.

"I hope that UC will take a closer look at how they're running their operation because they're always savings. We're cutting back a lot in state government. I think the university has got to do the same thing," said Brown.

Known for his independent thinking, Brown also isn't happy about the 600 bills sitting on his desk, all sent to him in the final days of session last week. The Oakland Democrat warned his party and his supporters his signature isn't guaranteed.

"I'm going to veto a lot of bills over the next 30 days. I have to say to some: 'Fasten your seat belt. This is going to be a rough ride,'" said Brown.

The California Public Interest Group wants to make it harder to privatize public libraries, ban employers from doing credit checks on most applicants and allow voter registration on online. CalPIRG is crossing its fingers despite a stern warning from the governor.

"We don't know what he's going to do. The best we can do is what we always do: work to get the public engaged and get them to weigh in with the governor. I think the governor weighs in pretty heavily what the public thinks and what the public wants," said Pedro Morillas from CalPIRG.

If Brown follows through on his veto threat, it would be a departure from his first tenure as governor when he signed almost all of the bills before him.

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