"It was at that moment that I felt for the first time I was an equal human being in the eyes of our government," Lewis said.
That passion for equality the drove them to the streets Tuesday, as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Proposition 8, much to the frustration of its supporters.
"Well it was expected; this is just another stop on the way to the Supreme Court," Catholics for a Common Good spokesperson Bill May said.
The longer it takes to reach a final decision, the more the frustration for same-sex couples like Jeff Tabaco and Thom Watson, who say their relationship would be complete with a marriage certificate. They have both romantic and practical considerations.
"Jeff covers me on his health insurance; he is taxed on that as though it is an additional salary, married couples are not taxed that way," Watson said.
So they, too, marched Tuesday morning and won't be stopping anytime soon.
"This is very important to us; getting married is one of the big steps you take in life," Watson said.