Right now there's only one Chick-fil-A restaurant in the Bay Area, in Fairfield. Although, restaurants are near completion in Walnut Creek and San Jose, and now the company wants to open a location in Mountain View.
At the region's only operational Chick-fil-A on Friday, everyone came to eat, nobody came to protest.
"Well, any time you're with somebody you shouldn't talk religion or politics," Fairfield resident Chris Willits said. "And that's the way I look at it."
An endeavor made just a little more difficult since Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy chimed in on the subject of same-sex marriage recently, saying, "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage."
In the United States of America, those are divisive words. And, perhaps, opportune words as well. The mayors of Chicago and Boston condemned them. Then on Thursday San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee chimed in with this tweet, "Closest ChickFilA to San Francisco is 40 miles away and I strongly recommend that they try not to come any closer."
On Friday, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined the discussion, "Where government is too big, is where it begins to tramp on people's freedoms. And trampling on the freedom to marry whoever you want is the same as trampling on your freedom to open a story."
There was no comment from Chick-fil-A Friday. No interviews in the Fairfield store, either; just a lot of customers saying that when they eat their chicken, please leave the politics on the aside.