Sen. Feinstein to call for assault weapons ban

Some of our nation's gun statistics may surprise you. There are more registered gun sellers than Mcdonald's restaurants in the United States.

There are an estimated 270 to 300 million guns and about 313 million people.

Senator Feinstein says it's too many, especially easy-to-load automatic weapons.

She offered details of the ban she'll propose. "It will ban the sale, transfer, importation, and the possession not retroactively but prospectively. And it will ban the same for big clips, drums and strips of more than ten bullets. We exempt over 900 specific weapons that will not fall under the bill. But the purpose of the bill is to get weapons of war off the streets of our cities," Senator Feinstein said.

Senator Joe Lieberman called for a commission to look at our nation's gun laws and mental health system on Sunday.

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