Same-sex couples line up to marry in California


While there were happy faces and applause every time a same-sex couple got married, there was also a hint of déjà vu. Lawyers for the sponsors of the state's gay marriage ban filed an emergency motion Saturday asking the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the weddings being performed in San Francisco.

"That's why we're here today," newlywed Jennifer Cogley said. "We didn't even know about that news, and we woke up this morning and wanted to make sure we got in before anyone did anything that could stop us."

Cogley and Penny Hurban of Berkeley are about to get married. The fact that the pro-Proposition 8 people won't give up even after the Supreme Court ruling saddens Cogley.

"I'm sad that what we were worried about would happen is happening, but I'm glad we're here today," she said.

Kip Leake is about to marry his partner of seven years.

"Doesn't surprise me a bit," he said. "I'm hoping this is the end of the road, though. For all the legal stuff."

Many of the couples who got married Saturday were thrilled that same-sex marriages were allowed again since being stopped in 2008. On Friday, 55 couples were issued marriage licenses just hours after the decision came down.

For Steven Fredricks and his partner Steve Jorgensen, a legal marriage means security, finally.

"And it also means we have security and all the opportunities, we can walk down the street and feel like, you know, a part of society and normal and accepted," Fredricks said.

The two have been together for 22 years. For Jorgensen, a recognized marriage also means he can comfort his partner as would any spouse.

"It's just nice to know that if something happens to him I can go visit him in the hospital and if something happens to me he can see me, and just more security," Jorgensen said.
San Francisco is the only county in California performing these marriages this weekend.

That's why Dee Crosby and Nora Hunt from Blythe, California took advantage of their trip to the Pride celebration in order to tie the knot.

"We've been together 18 years," Crosby said. "So it was awesome that we ended up being able to get married and everything."

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