Rather than get stuck in traffic again, Ei-Luan Yokomizo of Oakland went online to find a work space that didn't require crossing the bridge.
"Rather than spend the two hours or so trying to make it across the bridge, I felt my time would be more productive working from a place that was close to home," Yokomizo said.
She used the website LiquidSpace, which finds venues like one in Berkeley called NextSpace.
Severin Gerigk, did the same, walking to work instead of taking BART.
"Awesome, they're just nice people, everybody is friendly; if you need something, you get it," he said.
The cost is typically $25 a day, but they were handing out discounts because of the BART strike.
Flywheel was also handing out discount cards for cab rides into the city to those getting off the ferries.
"Obviously it is helping our company out but we are also trying to help the public and citizens of San Francisco and everyone coming into the city," Flywheel spokesperson Mindi Sinclair said.
But business hasn't been good for everyone. A dental office in downtown San Francisco had to reduce its office hours because of the strike. Two of the dentists stayed home Monday and Tuesday one of them arrived late. Patients were also scarce.
"They're not coming to work; they are definitely not coming for their dental appointment," Jackie Carrillo said.
An extended strike could make the situation even more painful.