A mother's tears could be seen as her family prays for the safe return of her little girl, Daphne Webb. Daphne's father, John Webb, says she was taken out of his car three weeks ago while he stepped inside a store on International Boulevard in Oakland. He did not attend Wednesday night's candlelight vigil at Sequoyah Community Church.
"We would have liked for him to be here. For whatever circumstances or reasons, he couldn't be here, I'm sure are his own," said Kiana Davis, Daphne's mother.
But he wasn't the focus. The gathering was all about Daphne, a little girl no one has seen in weeks.
"This is the hardest thing I know personally that I've ever had to deal with. This has rocked my family to its core," said Davis.
"I miss holding her, miss hearing her cries and her laughs and I'm just praying like everybody else that she comes back and comes back soon," said Chinna Jewell, a family friend.
The family's goal is keep Daphne's name in the news so people don't stop looking for her.
"With all this going on with the Zimmerman trial and all the protests and the airplane wrecks and all the news is collecting every day, it's a new story every day, but this is our story right here," said Kevin Davis, Daphne's Grandfather.
It's a story that right now leaves the family with little information on where Daphne could be.
"We don't have any closure, any answers, any leads, any anything, and that's just a weird place to be in," said Davis.
Until Daphne is found, the family says they will continue to hold vigils so that no one ever forgets that their little girl is still missing.