San Jose cops searching for nursing student's killer

SAN JOSE, Calif.

"I will truly miss her, very much so," Kathleen Dorsey told ABC7 News Wednesday. She is an instructor at the College of Nursing in Milpitas. Kimberly was one of her students. The 19-year-old was hit by a stray bullet early Saturday morning while riding in a car through San Jose's Entertainment District.

Acting Police Chief Larry Esquivel says this murder has struck a chord with him. "Any crime like that is unacceptable, but that one specifically because it appears she was an unintended victim and she was an aspiring nurse and had aspirations for that," he said.

Chico had just earned her assistant nursing certificate last month and was said to be preparing for another year of classes at San Jose State. "It was tragic. I was just in denial. And even right now, I feel that way. Because of the fact that, not too long seeing her .And it just brought back memories. How could someone's life be gone like that?" Dorsey said.

Chico was shot in the area known as SOFA, South of First, a bar and nightclub district. Bo Town restaurant is right across the street from the crime scene and the manager says lately, his customers have told him they don't feel safe at night.

"Some of them, yeah. They said they don't want to come downtown. Sometimes, It's unsafe. Hopefully, I hope that more security around here, more police coming," he said.

Chief Esquivel says solving this murder, the city's 30th homicide, is a priority.

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