Police believe San Francisco resident Ronnie Collins, 21, shot 22-year-old Ikenna Uwakah at about 3:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Investigators say the 22-year-old had sold his PlayStation 4 online and went to Mendell Street and Hudson Avenue to get his money from the buyer.
His father says that's when everything went wrong
"Instead of paying for it, he didn't want to pay for it and my son, maybe was demanding his money, so he shot him," Onyebuchi Uwakah said.
The killer ran off without the gaming console.
A source close to the investigation tells ABC7 News that Uwakah's girlfriend was with him in the car but was unharmed.
Uwakah was a student at Santa Monica City College. He was home for the Thanksgiving break and was supposed to return Sunday evening.
Uwakah was the younger among his two siblings.
"Oh, that's my baby child; I can't begin to tell you how much I love him," Onyebuchi Uwakah said.
Uwaka's father says his son was a good young man with a good future.
"He's generally a nice boy; everybody's friendly with him, he's friendly with everybody," Onyebuchi Uwakah said.