It happened around 3:45 a.m. Saturday at Bonneau's Schellville 76 on Arnold Drive.
The owner's son, Chris Bambury, says he was alerted by the alarm going off. When he logged into the surveillance video feed, Bambury says he could see how the men were able to get into the store and rip the machine from its concrete bolts.
"Ran in, strapped up an ATM, all a matter of four minutes for the whole thing," he said. "They were in and out. Once they got it taut, they drove it and ripped it. Looks like they had a little struggle, cause it was at an angle. Looks like they threw it in the back of the van and were off."
He says the suspect vehicle was a stolen Kelly-Moore Paint van.
Anyone with information about the theft is asked to call the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office at (707) 565-2121.