Chicago named funniest city in United States

According to the University of Colorado's Humor Research Lab, Chicago and Boston actually made the top two on the list. This was based on an algorithm that took everything from tweets to the number of comedy clubs per square mile into account.

"I think what ends up happening is that the nature of New York City is at a bit of an advantage when it comes to humor, but it's also at a disadvantage because there's a lot of things to do in new York that pulls the population in different directions," said Peter McGraw, the professor who created the algorithm as part of "The Humor Code," a new book about what makes things funny, and why.

The scientists conducting the study also took into account how much the locals value comedy. While Boston doesn't' have many famous comedy clubs, touring comedians gave the town great reviews as to the quality of the audience. They also polled people about how much their workplaces value humor or if they enjoyed funny TV shows and movies.

Here's a list of the top 10 funniest cities in the country:

1. Chicago

2. Boston

3. Atlanta

4. Washington

5. Portland, Ore.

6. New York City

7. Los Angeles

8. Denver

9. San Francisco

10. Seattle

ABC News contributed to this story.

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