California Advisory Committee recommends these 4 specific groups be vaccinated next

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Thursday, December 24, 2020
Here's who's recommended to take COVID-19 vaccines next
Healthcare workers in Tier '1A' are currently getting the vaccine. In January we'll start seeing those from Tier '1B' get the vaccine. Here's who the California Advisory Committee recommends be in that group.

We're learning who is likely to be next when it comes to getting one of the coronavirus vaccines.

Healthcare workers in Tier '1A' are currently getting the vaccine. In January we'll start seeing those from Tier '1B' get the vaccine.

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The Community Vaccine Advisory Committee is made up of dozens of people from California's health divisions.

That includes California Health and Human Services Agency and the California Department of Public Health. They recommend that four groups be next in line to get the COVID-19 vaccines.

Those include:

1. Education and Child Care workers

2. Emergency service workers including fire, police, and corrections officers

3. Food and AG workers including grocery store employees

4. All individuals 75-years-old and above.

"The data is clearly showing and Dr. Schechter showed 75 plus, they are outliers. Ten to 20 times higher death rates so they are obvious," says Dr. Oliver Brooks who is the Chief Medical Officer of Watts Healthcare Corporation.

The Tier 1-B group will receive COVID-19 vaccinations in January and February. Other groups of individuals also receiving vaccines during that time period and after the other groups mentioned there include all high-risk 65 to 74-year-olds. Essential workers in transportation, critical manufacturing, and facilities and service workers.

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The head of the United Educators of San Francisco say this recommendation would be a win for teachers and says that this could help when it comes to getting schools back open.

"I think the potential is there. Because of really chronic underfunding of education some of our buildings and structures need work before they open and that is being done right now," says Susan Solomon.

The committee is also recommending prisoners be included in this tier to get the vaccine. Something that would cover county and state facilities but not federal ones.

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