PALO ALTO, Calif. (KGO) -- A mother in Palo Alto is upset after she found campaign stickers about the state assembly race on her kids' Halloween candy.
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Like many parents, Tru Love did an inspection of her kids' Halloween candy.
As the assorted candies fell out, she said she was shocked to see two large candy bars with campaign stickers for a candidate running for state assembly. "Whoever did this, they knew parents were going to be checking candy because that's what every parent does when you come home from Halloween, make sure that everything's safe, and that every parent would open the bag, and every parent would see this candy," Love said.
Love says this is tacky. The name on the stickers is Vicki Veenker, a Palo Alto attorney running for state assembly. She said she had nothing to do with the stickers.
She disagrees with Love that someone is politicizing Halloween. "Halloween comes a week before the election, and so it's a holiday that is routinely politicized. We see Trump masks, we see nasty women, we see 'bad hombres' out there, and this is actually someone saying something positive that they support me," Veenker said.
The candy came from an upscale neighborhood named Old Palo Alto where thousands of kids enjoy closed streets and organized activities on Halloween night.
We asked Veenker's opponent, Palo Alto City Council Member Marc Berman, for his reaction. He released a statement to ABC7 News saying: "My birthday is on Halloween where the focus should be on kids and costumes. Candy and campaigns shouldn't mix. Both parents and kids deserve a night off from politics."
So, it's a mystery who might have put the campaign stickers on the candy bars and how many were given out.
The incident has left one mom with a bitter taste.
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