Study: No link between vaccinations and developmental issues

Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Study: No link between vaccinations and developmental issues
Study: No link between vaccinations and developmental issues - Ali Gorman reports during Action News at 5pm on August 13, 2018.

PHILADELPHIA -- Another study says there's no link between vaccinations and developmental problems like autism in children.

This latest study looks at the T-Dap vaccine and follows 80,000 children born to women who had the shot during pregnancy.

It found no more cases of kids on the autism spectrum among those children compared to the babies of women who weren't vaccinated.

RELATED: Breakdown of ingredients in childhood vaccines

Infants face the highest risk of pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, and that's one of the diseases covered in the vaccine.

Pregnant women who get vaccinated can pass on some of their immunity to their newborns. Children born to women who had the shot during pregnancy.

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