Parents ask for help 1 year after fatal hit-and-run in San Bruno

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ByVic Lee KGO logo
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Parents ask for help 1 year after fatal San Bruno hit-and-run
This week marks the one year anniversary of a fatal hit and run in San Bruno. The parents of the young victim are hoping that witnesses - and even the driver of the car - will step up and do the right thing.

SAN BRUNO, Calif. (KGO) -- It's the one year anniversary this week of a fatal hit and run in San Bruno. The parents of the young victim are hoping that witnesses -- and even the driver of the car -- will step up and do the right thing.

Twenty-nine-year old Carly Flynn was struck by a car and killed as she was walking home from the Bay Hill Shopping center in San Bruno.

The driver fled the scene that was December 19 of last year. It has been a long, difficult time for Carly's parents Mike and Karen Flynn.

"We think of Carly everyday. We think of what happened to her every day," Flynn said.

They also think of the driver who killed their daughter. "We would have hoped that their conscience would have gotten the better of them by now and they would have come forward and taken ownership for what they did," Flynn said.

Rick Smith, a private investigator the Flynns hired, puts it another way. " this is an opportunity to come forward and really to save your soul."

Carly was crossing San Bruno Avenue at about 5:30 in the evening. The driver of the car was on Cherry Avenue.

He turned left onto San Bruno Avenue, hitting Carly in the crosswalk just steps away from the curb. Police have done everything they can.

"We've pulled out all the stops and there's been no stone to this point that's gone un-turned," San Bruno Chief Ed Barberini said.

But there's one big problem with the case. There was only one witness, one person who saw this accident. Only one witness who came forward. And only one security video which shows a white SUV speeding past the crosswalk after the accident.

Not much to go on. Carly's parents hope the driver is consumed by guilt. "It's not too late. You can still come forward," Flynn said.

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