SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) -- In just one week, Californians won't just be picking the president, they'll also be deciding whether to legalize marijuana.
The Bay Area's biggest city is racing to take action before that decision comes down.
MORE: Find in-depth information about what's on your ballot here
Yes on Proposition 64 is ahead in the polls just a week out from Election Day and the San Jose City Council doesn't want to be caught off guard if it actually passes.
That's why they're doing their own vote on Tuesday.
It's called an urgency ordinance. This is for Prop 64. If passed, it would legalize marijuana for people 21 years and older and designates state agencies to license and regulate the industry.
The city manager and city attorney wrote in a memo to the council that this urgency ordinance would make it explicitly clear to budding entrepreneurs that commercial recreational marijuana activities are not allowed in San Jose.
It would also confirm non-medical marijuana is restricted to six living plants and cannot be grown outdoors.
Basically, the city wants to make sure the proposition, if passed, would not create the same issues medical marijuana did when it was legalized - with a bunch of dispensaries popping up around San Jose.
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