SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- The storm that swept through the Bay Area on Monday dumped snow in the High Sierra, which was a great addition for the ski resorts that are busy getting ready for the holidays.
Boreal Mountain Resort at Donner Summit got eight inches of snow on Sunday and another eight inches on Monday. It's not even Veteran's Day and already it's time to sled in the High Sierra.
Old or young, a snowball fight is still fun! A family enjoyed the winter activity at Cisco Grove, not far from Donner Summit where the snow fell steadily during the day.
The trip up was pretty easy along Interstate 80 for much of the day, but the CHP warns conditions could change at any moment and it's not just about keeping the tire chains handy.
"Your stopping distances are much greater," said CHP Lt. David Jenkins. "Even with four wheel drive, you're not going to be able to brake effectively."
At the top of the hill at Boreal, an early opening paid off. Not only was the natural stuff falling in a flurry, it was cold enough to make snow, too.
"They have a bunch of rails up the first week and they're open top to bottom the first week so you can't really complain, can't beat it," said snowboarder Marcus Cleveland.
Fellow snowboarder Victor Gonzalez added, "It's actually really nice, the powder's coming in nice and stuff. And there's a cool mountain that you can shred down, like try to throw some hack-like gestures, so it's super fun."
There's a lot of optimism but a fair amount of caution because, as you may remember, we had a fair amount of snow early last November as well and then it basically shut off.
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