Bay Area power restored after rolling outages leave thousands in the dark

Luz Pena Image
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Power restored after rolling outage in Bay Area
PG&E says it has restored power to thousands of Bay Area customers after rolling blackouts left many in the dark.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) says it's restored power to those affected by Friday night's outages.

Earlier Friday evening, PG&E was directed by California Independent System Operator (ISO) to initiates rotating outages throughout the state.

The Stage 3 Emergency declaration was called after extreme heat drove up electricity demand across California, causing the ISO to dip into its operating reserves for supply to cover demand.

PG&E says due to the emergency it was unable to notify customers in advance of the rotating power outages, which impacted customers in the following counties: El Dorado, Marin, Napa, San Mateo and Sonoma.

RELATED: What is a Flex Alert?

Earlier this week the state issued a Flex Alert, warning residents that this week's heat wave could put a strain on the state's power grid.

For the latest on PG&E outages across the Bay Area click here.

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