SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- It's all hands on deck for utility crews like PG&E preparing for wind, and heavy rainfall to hit the Bay Area.
PG&E spokeswoman Andrea Menniti says they have out extra crews to respond to storm-related calls.
RELATED: Track the rain on Live Doppler 7
"We are up against mother nature and we might have some storm related damages," Menniti said. "We worry a lot about trees falling over and taking down our power lines. That's why we typically have tree crews out and about trimming tree limbs to make sure that doesn't happen."
They're set with extra poles, cable wire, and transformers in the case of an outage. She also recommends keeping food and flashlights on hand. Meanwhile, in San Francisco, public works is giving out free sandbags.
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"There are low lying areas where they've had some flooding issues in the past. We work with them to try and get barriers out there when we can," said Rachel Gordon of the San Francisco public works department.
One of those areas is along 17th and Folsom streets in San Francisco's Mission District. Flood barriers could go up if there's enough rain.
"This is the second rain this month we have been preparing for. We've had crews out the past couple of days who are going to clear the catch basins. If you get the leaves and litter out of the storm drains it's going to minimize the chance of localized flooding," Gordon said.
Gordon says it would be great for people at home to pitch in, grab a broom, clear leaves, and keep the area around storm drains clear.
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