Sacred Heart investigates if students attended racist party

Byby Cornell Barnard KGO logo
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Sacred Heart investigates if students attended racist party
A second San Francisco private school is investigating whether any of its students attended a racially-themed party in Stern Grove.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- ABC7 News has confirmed a second private school in San Francisco is now investigating whether its students attended a racially themed party. There were 14 students at St. Ignatius College Preparatory School who were suspended for taking part in the event.

Now we've learned Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory is looking into whether its students also attended.

The president of Sacred Heart, Brother Ron Gallagher, said he is concerned some of his students may have attended that party.

A racist-themed party at Stern Grove over the weekend brought out students from several local high schools.

Gallagher says if any of his students were there, they could be disciplined. He told ABC7 News, "If any of our kids are involved, we always talk to them about it because it's important at Sacred Heart Cathedral that we really respect everyone for who they are and where they come from."

WATCH VIDEO: 14 St. Ignatius students suspended for attending racist-themed party

The students at St. Ignatius were suspended for taking part in a so-called "wigga" party. Wigga is a slang term combining white and the N-word.

St. Ignatius principal Patrick Ruff explained students were "dressing in clothes that were inappropriate and appropriated the worst of black culture."

Ruff says the school sent a letter home to parents explaining what happened.

Ruff said it is "so contradictory to who we are and who we want to be."

Student Joseph Lofton said, "I'm a bit ashamed to be at this school now."

Lofton says photos of the party wound up on social media. He and others were disappointed to see some fellow students.

Student Julio Jlate said, "It's a very sad time in our school for all of us."

Others say it was bad judgment but not malicious. One student said, "They did not have intent of hurting anyone."

St. Ignatius was founded in 1885 and is only five percent African-American.

Many hope the party will be a teachable moment.

"You've got to learn from history and hope history doesn't repeat itself," Lofton said.

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