Couple wins $1 million in lawsuit from Bank of America after receiving 700+ robocalls

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Friday, December 12, 2014
Nelson and Joyce Coniglio won a lawsuit against Bank of America where they were ordered to receive $1 million for 700+ harassing robocalls over four years.
ABC News

A Florida couple recently won a $1 million lawsuit against Bank of America after receiving more than 700 collections calls over the course of four years.

Nelson and Joyce Coniglio of Tampa, Florida received 700+ robocalls from the bank after falling behind on their mortgage payments in 2009, according to WFTS. The couple says their phone would be ringing off the hook from Bank of America robocalls throughout the day. After filing a complaint in Federal court, a judge ordered Bank of America to pay the family $1 million for the harassment or $1,500 per call.

This isn't the first time people have been harassed by Bank of America. According to WFTS, an elderly couple in California claims they received over 2,000 collections calls from the bank. An Arkansas family saw over 350 collections calls from Bank of America, and more than 600 to a family in Indiana.

In 2010, Bank of America was revealed to have been using a collections agency based out of Texas, whose associates were recorded using foul language and racist remarks when attempting to collect on debts, WFTS says. Bank of America stopped working with that firm shortly after the recorded remarks went public, according to WFTS.

Bank of America sent a statement to ABC News regarding the ruling.

"Bank of America has helped 2 million homeowners avoid foreclosure. Our calls to the Coniglios were not to collect a debt, but rather to help them avoid foreclosure after they fell behind on their mortgage payments in 2009," Bank of America Senior Vice President Dan Frahm said. "Because our calls were not answered and our efforts to help the Coniglios avoid foreclosure were urgent, these calls continued. We are committed to help homeowners in need of assistance avoid foreclosure."

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