HWANGE, Zimbabwe -- Zimbabwe is cracking down on hunting in the wake of the illegal killing of Cecil the Lion.
The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority released a statement, saying, "Hunting on lions, leopards and elephant in the areas outside of Hwange National Parks has been suspended with immediate effect."
Dr. Walter Palmer shot and killed the beloved Cecil and there were reports of another devastating poaching of his companion.
However, Sunday morning, park officials released a photo of Jericho alive and well.
Meanwhile, Palmer has not been seen publicly in days, his office and home besieged by angry crowds while Zimbabwean authorities call for his extradition.
"I'm happy that two other criminals, the locals, have already appeared before our local courts," Zimbabwe Environment Minister Oppah Muchinguri said.
But it's not at all clear if the U.S. would agree to extradite Palmer.
Conservation groups say there are U.S. laws that might apple, like the Lacey Act, signed into law by President McKinley in 1900 to protect rare species of wildlife and plants.