ABC7 celebrates Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month 2015

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Monday, June 1, 2015
Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month

In honor of Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, ABC7 celebrates the amazing Asian culture #whereyoulive.

May 31, 2015 - Little Chef Bistro (APA pop up restaurant)

Every last Sunday of the month, the Little Wine Counter (@lilchefgroup) in Campbell holds an ongoing event called "Little Chef Bistro" - a prix fixe dinner that takes place at the restaurant. This month, in honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage month, they are serving a special menu influenced by different Asian flavors. This dish, traditional Italian Ravioli replaced with a wonton wrapper then deep fried and stuffed with ginger, shrimp, and shiitake mushrooms, topped with a spicy mango salsa, is just one of the dishes being served at May's Little Chef Bistro. Treat your inner foodie and celebrate cultural fusion through food! Photos courtesy of Dante Perrucci and Little Chef Group. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #LittleChefBistro #AsianFusion #Campbell

May 30, 2015 - Quyen Mai (Vietnamese Tet Festival)

San Jose's annual Tet Festival (@tetsanjose) is a giant 2-day celebration of the new year (similar to the Chinese Lunar New Year). Seen as the most important holiday in Vietnamese culture, this fun festival involves entertaining fan dancers, martial artists, lion dancing, karaoke, delicious food and more! Sponsored by the Vietnamese-American Communities & Coalitions of NorCal, it's not to be missed!! Check out these photos of some of the fun had at the 2015 Tet Festival earlier this year. Photos courtesy of Quyen Mai. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #TetFestival #tetsanjose #Vietnamese #liondancers #sanjose

May 28, 2015 - Dave Kim (artist)

With a Master of Fine Art degree from Mills College in Oakland, artist/muralist Dave Young Kim (@daveyoungkim) straddles the lines between classical and street arts as he explores the complexities of living as a Korean American while struggling to embrace the heritage of his parents. Many of his murals address the struggles of historical figures in the Korean Independence Movement, which took place in the early 1900's. Dave's own relatives fought and died there and he honors their legacy through his art. You can see some of these pieces in person around Oakland! Photos courtesy of Dave Young Kim. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #DaveYoungKim #murals #artist #koreanindependencemovement #oaklandarts #millscollege

May 27, 2015 - OMCA: Pacific Worlds exhibit

Community members of Pacific cultures in California will provide strikingly relevant voices and contemporary context to rarely-exhibited historical and ritual objects and newly commissioned works of art in Pacific Worlds, a new exhibition at the Oakland Museum of California (@oaklandmuseumca), on view May 30, 2015 through January 14, 2016. Presented to coincide with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition (PPIE) in San Francisco, the exhibition examines the vibrancy and rich cultural practices of the Pacific that continue to thrive in California today. Photos courtesy of OMCA. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #OMCA #PacificWorlds #PPIE #Tongan #Samoan #Oakland

May 26, 2015 - Jenny Lin Memorial Concert

The Jenny Lin Foundation was established in 1994 following the senseless murder of Jenny Lin at the age of 14. Her parents wanted to honor her life by promoting child safety and youth music education. Since her death, over 4,000 music students have enjoyed free music camps provided by the Foundation. Through music camps, concerts, safety fairs and workshops, an entire generation of young Bay Area musicians and students have benefited from Jenny's legacy. You can attend the next JLF Concert this July 31st at Chabot College, with ABC7's own Cheryl Jennings as the MC! Photos courtesy of the Jenny Lin Foundation. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #JennyLinFoundation #Music #ChabotCollege #MusicalLegacy #JennyLin #CherylJennings

May 25, 2015 - Memorial Day - Tokyo Rose

This Memorial Day, we are looking back at the 1949 San Francisco-based trial of "Tokyo Rose," the infamous radio host accused of harming US military morale during WWII with anti-American propaganda. "Tokyo Rose" was wrongly identified as Japanese-American Iva Toguri. During her highly publicized trial, she was charged with treason, found guilty, and sentenced to 10 years in prison. She eventually received a pardon from President Gerald Ford in 1977. Iva passed away in 2006. Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #MemorialDay #TokyoRose #IvaToguri #WorldWarII

May 24, 2015 - Mendocino Joss House

Built in approximately 1854, the Mendocino Joss House is the only remaining Chinese joss house in use in California north of San Francisco and south of the Oregon border. Joss houses are small temples used for prayer, birth celebrations, marriages, and community activities. Built by Chinese pioneer communities working in the lumber industry, the Mendocino Joss House was declared a California State Landmark in 1979. This simple structure possesses great structural integrity with redwood walls and is a significant remnant of the once-large Chinese community in Mendocino. The building has been owned and used by the Hee family members since 1871. Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #JossHouse #Mendocino #landmark #temple

May 23, 2015 - Spring India Day

Each year, Spring India Day comes to San Francisco's Civic Center plaza in celebration of the colorful and exuberant Indian culture. This year's Spring India Day, happening Saturday, June 6th, will feature a traditional Indian wedding ceremony renewing a couple's vows, henna artists, Bollywood dancing, music, and a high couture fashion show. Ready your tastebuds as there will also be several Indian regional cuisines available. Seen here are a group of Rajasthani folk dancers performing Ghoomar, a popular form of dance where the women pirouette and display the spectacular colors of the flowing "Ghaghara", the long skirt of the Rajasthani women. Experience this, and more, at the upcoming Spring India Day! Photos courtesy of Ena Sarkar. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #SpringIndiaDay #Bollywood #Rajasthani

May 22, 2015 - Asian Americans for Community Outreach

Asian Americans for Community Outreach is an organization dedicated to creating a forum in the Bay Area where Asian American professionals and students can met and foster the common goal of community service, benefitting the extended community as a whole. Seen here is the most recent AACI Gift Setup where their volunteers helped AACI's Asian Women's Home holiday party that served over 100+ families. Get involved and join their next event on Saturday, May 30, at the East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC) Spring Food Festival. They will be on site helping out with this fun and delicious annual fundraising event. Photos courtesy of Russell Pong and AACO. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #AsianAmericansforCommunityOutreach #EastBayAsianYouthCenter #community

May 21, 2015 - New Filipino Cinema Festival (June 11-28)

Each year, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (@ybca) presents the latest and greatest Filipino films at its annual New Filipino Cinema Festival, happening this year from June 11-28. Committed to the boundary-breaking, contemporary artistic expression that emanates from all cultures, YBCA presents the remarkably vibrant and creative independent cinema of the Philippines. Like the country itself, which is made up of thousands of little islands, each with its own culture, dialect, and people, this showcase provides a snapshot of the huge range of talent in Filipino cinema today. All films are shown digitally, in their original language with English subtitles, and curated by film critic Philbert Dy and YBCA film/video curator Joel Shepard. Be sure to mark your calendars! Photos courtesy of YBCA. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #NewFilipinoCinemaFestival #YBCA #independentfilm

May 20, 2015 - Kearny Street Workshop

Founded in 1972, during the height of the Asian American Movement, Kearny Street Workshop is the oldest Asian Pacific American multidisciplinary arts organization in the United States. They offer classes and workshops, salons and student presentations, as well as professionally curated and produced performances, readings, and screenings. Seen here is a photo of a diverse spectrum of Asian Pacific American fashion designers, models, musicians, performers, and local vendors. They came together to challenge the status quo of today's fashion and proved that the celebration of all the bodies we arrive in-via age, size, color, gender, and ability- is what's truly in style. Photos courtesy of Kearny Street Workshop and Paciano Triunfo. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #KearnyStreetWorkshop #art #fashion

May 19, 2015 - Cecilia Chung

From Melbourne to Geneva to the White House, San Francisco Health Commissioner and Transgender Law Center's Senior Strategist, Cecilia Chung has been educating policy makers and advocates on issues affecting transgender women who are living with or are most impacted by HIV. Cecilia has been an advocate for LGBT, people living with HIV, and human rights for over two decades. Her latest project, Positively Trans, is a constituent-led initiative that looks at how various forms of violence and stigma drive the HIV epidemic among trans women of color and at the same time celebrate the strength and resilience of her beloved community. Great job, Cecilia! Photos courtesy of Cecilia Chung. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #CeciliaChung #TransgenderLawCenter #LGBT #PositivelyTrans

May 18, 2015 - Minna Tao

Minna Tao, recently named the first female Asian-American General Manager of Recology Golden Gate, is helping Recology in their dedication to maintaining a strong partnership with the Asian community to better both the city and the world. Minna says, "I was born and raised in Hong Kong and feel very fortunate that I am in a position to give back to the community I live in." Aside from her accomplishments at Recology, she is also currently a co-chair of the Chinese Cultural Center's Board of Directors and on the board of the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling. "We, as Asians, are so lucky to be living in the Bay Area with the diversity and acceptance from individuals to corporations." Well said, Minna! The Bay Area is a great place to be! Photos courtesy of Minna Tao. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #MinnaTao #Recology #diversity #community

May 17, 2015 - Japanese American Museum of San Jose

The Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) showcases a unique collection of permanent and rotating exhibits chronicling more than a century of Japanese American History. Visit the Museum to learn about the early immigration of Japanese to America, the incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII and the variety of challenges they faced as they adapted and contributed to West Coast communities. This image show authentic WWII Incarceration barracks, which held Japanese Americans and can be viewed at JAMsj. Enjoy the preservation of Japanese history alongside rich culture and art! Photos courtesy of Japanese American Museum of San Jose. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #JapaneseAmerican #Museum #SanJose #JAMsj #WWII #history #culture #art

May 16, 2015 - She Should Have Been Playing With Dolls play - Jeevika Bhat and Kiyasha Mehta

Kiyasha Mehta (holding award on left) and Jeevika Bhat (holding award on right) are seen here receiving awards for Original Script and Student Directed One-Act for their play, She Should Have Been Playing With Dolls. The Cupertino High School duo tackle the stories of sex trafficking around the world in their 30-minute play. Based on the true story of Asha, a bright-eyed little girl who was sold by her father at the tender age of nine to become a "doll" in a Mumbai brothel, the play features true accounts of young girls who are forced into these situations as well as the men who use their services. Through this play, they hope to inspire and inform the community of the modern presence of human trafficking through theatre. Experience the play in person at Santa Clara University on Thursday, May 28th! Photos courtesy of Ruth Pangilinan and SCU Presents. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #SheShouldHaveBeenPlayingWithDolls #CupertinoHighSchool #HumanTrafficking #SexTrafficking

May 15, 2015 - Redwood City Mayor - Jeffrey Gee

Jeff Gee, elected Mayor of Redwood City in 2014, served the community long before his mayoral appointment. Prior to his election, he was an appointed member of the Redwood City Planning Commission and a member of Redwood City's Architectural Review Committee. Since then, Mayor Gee reminds the community about how much Redwood City has turned around in terms of economic development. Redwood City is using fees generated from Downtown development in order to support the hiring of more police officers and fire fighters, expanding human services programs, addressing affordability and investing in parks and library programs. Way to go, Mayor Gee! #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #APAEverywhere #RedwoodCity #Mayor #JeffreyGee #EconomicDevelopment #Community

May 14, 2015 - API Equality -- Northern California

API Equality - Northern California (@apenc) builds LGBTQ Asian Pacific Islander power to amplify API voices and increase visibility of their communities. They aim to inspire and train leaders, document and share API history. Their most current project, the Dragon Fruit Project, is an intergenerational oral history project that explores queer Asian Pacific Islanders and their experiences with love and activism from the 1960s through the 1990s. Seen in these photos is long-time volunteer, Crystal Jang, at one of the Dragon Fruit Project Wiki Edit-A-Thons. At these events, volunteers and members of the community get together and upload API LGBTQ histories to Wikipedia in order to promote their stories to actively resist the systems that have isolated API communities and kept them out of mainstream present-day and historical narratives. Join API Equality's next event on May 30th for the next Dragon Fruit Wiki Edit-A-Thon! #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #APIEquality #dragonfruit #wikipedia #LGBTQ

May 12, 2015 - Oakland Asian Cultural Center (OACC)

In 1984, the Oakland Asian Cultural Center (OACC) was founded by a coalition of volunteers who recognized the need for a strong artistic and cultural force in the Oakland's Chinatown district. Seibi Lee, OACC's most recent artist-in-residence, is a dynamic solo Kathak artist. Kathak is one of the six major classical dances of India and one of the most dynamic theater arts in the world. Seibi is known for her great range and depth of her artistry: strength in technique, sophistication in musicality and depth in dramatic character interpretation. Swing by the OACC and experience Seibi's artistic expression! Photos courtesy of Aleta Lee and OACC. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #APAHM #OACC #SeibiLee #Oakland #Kathak #India

May 9, 2015 - Peter Kim - GLOW Foundation

Peter Kim, pictured at right, is the Executive Director of the East Palo Alto based GLOW Foundation. Since 2006, GLOW's mission is to empower under-resourced students and their families to afford and complete college. GLOW partners with and trains school schools and nonprofit organizations to deliver their interactive financial literacy program. In addition to exposing students to topics like budgeting, bank accounts, credit cards, and financial aid, GLOW also partners with scholarship and matched savings account providers to offer tangible aid resources to students. To date, GLOW has reached over 20,000 students through their program. Show your support for Peter's effort in ensuring the future is bright for students all over the Bay Area! Photos courtesy of Peter Kim. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #GLOWfoundation #PeterKim #financialliteracy #college

May 7, 2015 - Villy Wang - BAYCAT

Meet VillyWang (@VillyWang). Villy worked on Wall Street and as a lawyer in corporate America, and gave that up to build a nonprofit that educates and employs low income youth in San Francisco. Inspired by her Mom, who immigrated from China, raising two kids as a single parent, she founded BAYCAT which just turned 10 years old. BAYCAT bridges the "creative" digital divide, and has successfully educated more than 3,000 low income urban youth, from ages 11 to 24, and employed over 125 young adults in the very competitive field of digital media and filmmaking. The youth of color and women that she supports are challenged by the ongoing #digitaldivide and lack of access to employment and opportunities especially in these technology-related fields. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #VillyWang #BAYCAT #youth #media #nonprofit #socialenterprise #video #studio

May 6, 2015 - Michelle Meow

Michelle Meow (@msmichellemeow), host of the "Michelle Meow Show" and "Swirl TV," is a leading voice in the San Francisco Bay Area for the LGBTQI community. As a talk show host, she displays inquisitive passion and a disarming sense of humor. Throughout her radio and television career, Michelle has interviewed notable political figures, community activists and media personalities such as Margaret Cho, Melissa Etheridge, Maria Bello, Chaz Bono, and Wanda Sykes. Her open and approachable personality make a discussion with her like having a conversation with an old friend. As an out lesbian and a dedicated community journalist, she is a role model to many. She has even been the co-host of the San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade for the past 9 years. Photo courtesy of Michelle Meow. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #MichelleMeow #SwirlTV #SFPrideParade #SFPride

May 5, 2015 - East Bay Local Development Corporation

This stunning building still stands in Oakland's Chinatown, a testament to the work of the East Bay Local Development Corporation, aka @EBALDC, since 1975. The non-profit was started in 1975 when a group of college students and community people dreamt of preserving this deteriorated warehouse. It is now the Asian Resource Center, offering multiple social service and business services. Their work has evolved over the past 40 years, including the development and management of multiple affordable apartments, homes, and business spaces for low income residents. Join us in thanking EBALDC for their legacy of building healthy, vibrant and safe neighborhoods! Photo courtesy of EBALDC.

May 4, 2015 - Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park

The beloved Japanese Tea Garden, located in Golden Gate Park, was originally created as a "Japanese Village" exhibit during the 1894 California Midwinter International Exposition. When the exposition closed, Japanese landscape artist, Makoto Hagiwara, had the idea to convert the temporary exhibit into a permanent park. After being granted approval, he became caretaker of the property and expanded the garden to its current size of approximately 5 acres. Now, the beautiful landscape features classic Japanese elements such as an arched drum bridge, stepping stone paths, serene koi ponds, and a zen garden. Take some time to slow down and relax underneath one of the beautiful blooming Cherry blossom trees! Photos courtesy of Library of Congress.

May 3, 2015 - Chinatown

Did you know that San Francisco's Chinatown is the largest Chinatown outside of Asia as well as the oldest Chinatown in North America? Since its establishment in 1848, it has been influential in the history and culture of ethnic Chinese immigrants in the U.S. Before the Chinatown that we know and love today, it was the only geographical region deeded by the city government and private property owners which allowed Chinese persons to inherit and inhabit dwellings within the city. Head over to Chinatown to embrace and celebrate the cultural richness of the Bay Area's Chinese heritage! Photos courtesy of Library of Congress. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #Chinatown #SFChinatown

May 2, 2015 - Art at Civic Center Plaza

You may have already seen these whimsical sculptures at San Francisco's Civic Center Plaza, but if you haven't, there is no time to waste! The exhibition, created by Taiwanese Artist, Hung Yi, will begin dismantling next week. This colorful installation, "Fancy Animal Carnival", uses Taiwanese cultural patterns and elements of the U.S. as cultural exchange. Each of the 19 animal sculptures represent a story, an allegory of life and wisdom, expressed through its interaction with another and the public. These fascinating sculptures of friendly animals have brought both citizens of the Bay Area and tourists alike together in celebration of art and community. Photos courtesy of David Perry and Cathy Hsu. #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAHeritageMonth #HungYi #CivicCenter #FancyAnimalCarnival #AsianArt

May 1, 2015 - Global Women's Water Initiative

Meet Gemma Bulos. She is a former Filipina American jazz singer/pre-school teacher turned multi-award winning social entrepreneur water activist after the tragedy of Sept 11. When she called in sick to her pre-school class instead of being in the WTC when the planes hit, she wrote a song called "WE RISE" and decided to build a Million Voice Choir for peace to sing it around the globe. Her motto in building the global peace movement "it takes a single drop of water to start a wave", evolved from just being a 'metaphor' to her 'cause' after she learned about the global water crisis during her worldwide travels. She learned everything she could about water and sanitation and founded 2 organizations, A Single Drop for SafeWater in the Philippines and her current venture, Global Women's Water Initiative working in Sub-Saharan Africa where they work to transform women's water burdens into economic opportunities. Thank you, Gemma, for all you do! #whereyoulive #ABC7celebrates #APAheritagemonth #gemmabulos #asingledropforsafewater #globalwomenswaterinitiative #millionvoicechoir

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